YouTube for Business Purposes
If you are promoting a product or service then you simply should be using YouTube for business. This site gets millions of visitors each day and you could be attracting some of these visitors back to your website.
Use tags
If you have created a video you are happy with then load it up to YouTube. As part of the loading process you will be asked to enter what are called tags. These are basically keywords relating to your video content. When using YouTube for business, good keywords are really essential.
If your video is about an iPod for instance and someone typed these words into the YouTube search box your video may show up in the search results. Then again it may not.
By adding the tags you are giving people a better chance of finding your video. Your tags can be related to iPod so you could have tags of MP3 player, MP3, learn iPod etc. This is the way you could be using YouTube for business because with more tags you are giving people more options for locating your content.
You may be expecting people to type in the word 'iPod', but some people think differently. An iPod to you is an MP3 player to someone else perhaps. This is the beauty of using tags in YouTube. You are anticipating what people are likely to type in when searching for your video content.
If your brand is well known you could use that as a tag also. There is no telling exactly what people are likely to type when searching for content either on Google or YouTube.
Another good example is the term 'Football'. In many countries it is called just that, but in the USA they know it as soccer. Someone may type in soccer when looking for football so again your tags need to reflect this.
Categorise your videos
Assign the correct category to your video also to make it easier for people to find. These are pretty important because it is the way YouTube uses to filter through the many videos that are held. There are millions there and categories will help to speed searches up.
Ensure that you have chosen the proper category for your video. If you are teaching something then assign your video to the 'how to' category. Don't worry if you feel you want to change it as you are allowed to do this at any time.
Create your own VLog
When I use YouTube for business I like to add videos to my blog. If you have done any blogging then you may have heard of video blogging. This is also known as a VLog.
After uploading a video to YouTube you have the option to mark it as VLog. This tells YouTube the playlist is a VLog in your YouTube channel. You will need to research things like channels and playlists to get a full grasp of this.
How to get more views on YouTube
The truth is, if you plan on using YouTube for business marketing, the only way you will increase YouTube views is if you create a great quality video. Sure there are services out there that will get you more views, but you should avoid these things.
You risk having your account banned if you use any underhand viewing tactics and all your videos pulled. Do you really want to take that chance? All that effort that you put in to creating your video has been wasted. Just create videos that give value and that people enjoy and you will get more views.
How to promote your product
If you offer a product or service and want to take advantage of YouTube for business, then create a video to showcase your work. You do not necessarily need to appear on screen. You can create a slide presentation which contains what you want to say. Just narrate out loud over the words on screen.
Mention the main features of the product and of course the benefits. Add photos of the product to give even more visual impact. Don't get carried away and make it a long drawn out production. Keep it simple and keep it short, around two minutes is usually enough.
People love to see visual content and you are offering good value by creating a video. When you have finished the slides then just convert them into a video file and upload it to YouTube. Add your contact details in the video as well as in the YouTube description box.
YouTube and Facebook for business
You've created that all important video masterpiece. It's up on YouTube and you are starting to see some views and visitors coming to your website. Now it is time to ramp up the traffic even more.
You may or may not have heard of Facebook. This is the biggest social networking site in the world and is now only second in terms of power, to Google. Some say it is even bigger. Only time will tell. The point I am trying to make here is that the massive subscriber base on Facebook is something you can use to your advantage. You can use both YouTube and Facebook for business by making them work together.
One thing you can do on both Facebook and YouTube is promote your video content to your friends. You will find a share button on YouTube which allows you to share your video to your Facebook account. Your friends see it and if they like it they visit your website. Now are you starting to see the potential when you use YouTube for business purposes?
On Facebook, using the share box, you can directly type the URL of your YouTube video and share it that way also. This is a unique way of using YouTube for marketing purposes.
Why not create a Facebook fan page showcasing your company or product. You can bring into it any YouTube videos you have created. Now you are opening it up to the whole of Facebook and your audience is widening.
If you use YouTube for business purposes, you have to use a bit of imagination to get your content viewed. It opens up a whole new world of marketing to you.
I highly recommend you check out our website for more internet marketing strategies []
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